The government must be congratulated for protecting PNG interests and rejecting the very poor agreement signed by the Somare government to support the proposed Solwara 1 experimental seabed mine, says community activist group ACT NOW!
Nautilus Minerals has announced it is terminating an agreement with the State of PNG after the government refused to put over $100 million of taxpayers money into the project.
"The government is acting in the best interests of its people by seriously considering the legal, environmental and social implications of the proposed mine" says Ms Dademo.
The government refusal comes despite an arbitration decision obtained by Nautilus Minerals in Australia that attempted to order the PNG government to release the monies.
"In the past, successive governments have rushed the signing of project agreements with mining companies without proper consultation and consideration of all aspects of the proposed activities, including the social and environmental impacts".
"It is encouraging to see this government reconsidering this bad agreement and not wasting tax payers money to fund an experiment with the potential to destroy."
"This decision sends a strong signal to foreign investors that if they want to come to PNG it is the interests of local people and communities that are paramount"