Elizabeth1's blog

Madang Wansolwara Dance

Source: PNG Loop

Through remembrance and protest, a group of Pacific Islanders will be celebrating the one dream for our Ocean, free to be self-determining.

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India Presses ahead with laws for experimental seabed mining

Gujarat National Law University to draft two key laws on deep sea mining

Source: The Times of India

The Union ministry of earth sciences has asked Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) to prepare two draft laws that will lay the guidelines for deep sea mining in the Indian Ocean off India's territorial waters, and in Antarctic Ocean. The draft laws will be called 'Deep Seabed Mining Act', and 'Antarctica Act of India'. The Indian Ocean seabed is rich in precious metals and can yield natural resources of great value.

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Who is directing Papua New Guinea destiny?

Are we going to define our own development pathway of just be in the "YES BOSS" mentality? Look at how World Bank and the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) have done to our beloved country and the once unique traditional and workable systems we had. Influenced and Framed to think and behave like them!! In fact we cannot. Lets us look back at how our ancestors lived!!!!

Source: Dan Jorgense

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Fly River' gone: PNG Environment Minister


Picture: Fly River, Western Province (Malum Nalu)

Source: The National

The Fly River in Western “is gone” as a result of the massive damage to the environment caused by mining over the years, according to Environment and Conservation Minister John Pundari.

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Violence against women in PNG: How men are getting away with murder

In our traditional societies women were not treated violently in this manner. IF that happened they'd be war etc...What has changed?

Source: The Insider

Picture:  Lowy Institute, Sofia Mangai- President of the East Sepick Council of Women

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PNG's West Sepik wants larger logging share

Source: Radio New Zealand

The Acting Governor of Papua New Guinea's West Sepik has called for the National Forest Act to be reviewed to ensure better returns for local people from the operations of foreign loggers.

Paul Nengai says the province still earns very little from the extensive logging of its forest, and downstream processing activities remain lacking.

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Special grants to help women

Source: The National

TWO groups of women from the Ramu Nickel project areas are the first in Madang to benefit from the small grants programmes for mine affected communities.

These women from Kurumbukari and Maigari will get two new trucks to assist with their agri-business activities.

Other two from the coastal pipeline and Basamuk will receive a truck and piggery project based on their applications.

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Students want Lae City Commission removed

By"Special Correspondent in Lae"

Morobe Students from various tertiary institutions in Lae staged a peaceful protest on the 14th August 2014 demanding the current government to do away with the establishing of Lae City Commission. They discovered that the Commission, it would be controlled by the Morobe Provincial Government.  Revenues generated would be directed to the provincial government basket and will directly affect the 711(internal) vote of the provincial budget.

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Papua New Guinea set to decide on RH logging renewal

Source: Radio Australia

Papua New Guinea’s National Forest Board will consider a Malaysian company's bid to continue to logging virgin rainforest in order to plant palm oil.

Papua New Guinea's National Forest Board will consider a Malaysian company's bid to continue to logging virgin rainforest in order to plant palm oil.

The clear-felling around Pomio on the island of East New Britain has been hotly contested by some locals, as well as international groups like Greenpeace and Global Witness.

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Concerns over impact deep sea mining for copper, gold off Papua New Guinea will have on sea life


Source: PNG Mine Watch

A controversial mining project that involves ploughing the sea floor off Papua New Guinea (PNG) is set to begin amid concerns about its impact on the marine environment.

Canadian company Nautilus Minerals plans to mine 1.6 million tonnes of copper and gold a year from the volcanic hot springs in the Solwara 1 deposit in the Bismarck Sea, in what is hailed as the first deep sea mining project in the world.

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