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Disgraced Finance Secretary slammed in COI Report gets PhD & Teaching Fellowship in Australia

Maladina is nailed for the NPF Saga.

But the 2010 Department of Finance Commission of Inquiry found more than K780 million stolen and the report has sat for more than 5 years collecting dust without the recommendations being implemented and those responsible brought to justice.

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Lawrence Kalinoe's astonishing defence of the unlawful SABL land grab rewrites history and ignores the law

Picture: Secretary for Justice, Lawrence Kalinoe. Photo courtesy of

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NGO Submission to the International Seabed Authority on experimental seabed mining

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Special Task Force to implement SABL recommendations

Any action by the government to address the SABL land grab and illegal logging is very welcome - but landowners have been waiting two years, not six months as the Chief Secretary claims...

By Jack Lapauve Jr – EM TV, Port Moresby

The inquiry into the Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL) has been taken over by an Independent Task Force Team.

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Sunday Chronicle Editorial: Government acts on SABL recommendations


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The True Reason behind the 40-hour work week and why we are economic slaves

Source: EV

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K780m stolen: Why are ambulances and relief services broke?

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My home, My land

This is a beautiful piece illustrating two-folds of Africa that the world percieves, a continent teeming with life and overflowing with resource - rich, fertile land, and a continent ravaged by disease, poverty, war and corruption. These similar sentiments are a farmiliar sentiment many in the world share about Papua New Guinea. You be the judge, who is suffering, are we really being manufactured to become rich or manufactured for the rich?

Source: Oakland Institute

The pdf version can be read below:

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K780m stolen: Why are students still boycotting classes for rundown facilities?

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A Hole in the System

Opencast coal mining in England. Photo courtesy of The Guardian


The outrageous, untold story of how big business dumps its costs on us.

By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 29thApril 2015

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