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Post Courier: Stop work on loggers right move

Stop work notice highlights government inaction on SABL

Source: Post Courier Editorial

THE Government finally acted yesterday on a case that has been at the centre of illegal logging allegations.

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West Sepik against SABLs

West Sepik youths holding playcards in demonstration against SABL. Picture courtesy: Gregory Suguman

Source: Gregory Suguman

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Youths use Sports to share message: Stop the land grab

Wagsford Youths Soccer team

A local town soccer team in Madang, has a message to share at the Madang town soccer competition. The message on their jerseys reads 'Stop the Land Grab'.

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Submission to the United Nations for Papua New Guinea's Universal Periodic Review

In April next year Papua New Guinea will appear before the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva to explain its human rights record.

ACT NOW! has made a submission to the UN that focuses on the PNG government's very poor record on land grabbing, illegal logging and experimental seabed mining.

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250 tonne monsters ready to chew up the seafloor in PNG

The three 250 tonne mega machines that Nautilus Minerals will use to chew up the seafloor in PNG have finally been unveiled.  

One can only imagine the destruction that is going to be caused and the impacts on sea life and vital fishing stocks once these mechanical giants are unleashed…

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Duke of York islands ignored in seabed mining debate

The stunningly beautiful Duke of York islands are the closest small islands to the site of the proposed Solwara 1 experimental mine in Papua New Guinea, yet the islanders say they have been completely ignored in the mine development process.

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Land grabbing a threat to national security

Melanesians have great respect for our land. it is the core of our livelihood. Selling of land in our communities has caused rural-urban drift, many people have become displaced and cannot maintain a subsistant living becuase there is no land to cultivate. A great number of people have lost their land to SABL schemes and land grabbing, thus have come town to earn a monetary livelihood. Question is, who is (really) causing this problem?

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Activists issues warning about PNG forests

An environmental and social activist says the governments of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia cannot claim to be serious about climate change impacts when they continue to allow rampant forest clearance across New Guinea.

Source: Radio New Zealand

An environmental and social activist says the destruction wrought upon New Guinea's forests by the logging industry typifies the way so-called development works in PNG.

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PNG and Indonesia in firing line over loss of forests

Harvested logs in PNG. Photo credit: RNZ

Source: Radio New Zealand

A Papua New Guinea environmental and social activist has delivered a scathing assessment of stewardship of the country's forest resources by its politicians.

Dorothy Tekwie says PNG's government cannot claim to be serious about climate change impacts when it continues to allow unsustainable logging.

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PNG in no rush to crack down on Asian logging giants

PHOTO: Local landowners in Bewani, north-west PNG, inspect the damage from logging to one of their creeks. (ABC: Eric Tlozek)

By Eric Tlozek, ABC News

Papua New Guinea's government has indicated it will allow intensive logging under the pretext of agricultural development to continue.

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